Episode 6 - Can You Buy Resilience? With Special Guest Steve McGhee

Steve is the host of the Google SRE Prodcast, you should check it out!

Colette got her chickens from Greenfire Farms, and her chicken coop from Carolina Coops, if anyone is wondering.

The Chris Hayes podcast Colette mentioned about unconditional cash transfers is here.

Iain M. Banks is an author of The Culture series, a set of fiction books based in a post-scarcity society

If you didn’t get the Vizzini/Inigo Montoya references, you should probably find a way to see The Princess Bride.

Colette mentioned STAMP - which is more along the lines of reliability engineering than resilience engineering, technically, but is related. You can read about how Google is using it here.

Lord, you want the history of ITIL? Okay.

**** note, none of the below sponsor us (yet), so these are pure-hearted endorsements from Clint during the episode ****

Adaptive Capacity Labs will teach your teams how to be more resilient.

Incident.io is who Clint mentioned as one of the many incident automation tools out there (Rootly and FireHydrant are a couple others).

Backstage is an open source Spotify product, and anyone who’s worked at Spotify will talk your ear off about how great it is if you let us.


A new Resilience Engineering community that Colette and Clint are a part of has launched! You can find us at resilienceinsoftware.org and join to be a part of the conversation in Slack

And of course, you can email us at thisisfine.softwarepodcast@gmail.com or write to us via http://thisisfinepod.com


Episode 7 - AI and Resilience with special guest Courtney Nash


episode 5 - curating your resilience engineering 101