Episode 10 - When They go Full ITIL on You w/special guest john allspaw
You can find John at Adaptive Capacity Labs or his (old) blog at Kitchen Soap.
ITIL is… well, it’s a thing.
Colette’s “You’re surprised it works in the first place” comes from Richard Cook’s brilliant Velocity talk in 2013.
FYI, John wasn’t talking about Franz Kafka, we think he was talking about Apache Kafka. But they are pretty similar, we think.
Episode 9 - Learning from Incidents with special guest Alex Elman
You can find ACL (Adaptive Capacity Labs), the folks who train software engineers how to do LFI and who we speak so fondly of here.
Colette mentioned Allspaw’s take on Five Whys - if you want to know why we think there are better options for learning out there, you can read it here.
Alex did a great talk with Sarah Butt on some LFI related things at LFI Conf in 2023: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbSiKAtO7Fk
And at SRECon: SREcon20 Americas - Are We Getting Better Yet? Progress Toward Safer Operations
Colette went to go see whales in the Baja through this tour, it was awesome
Write to us at thisisfine.softwarepodcast@gmail.com or go fill out our form with a question at Thisisfinepod.com
Episode 8 - Why Human Factors and Not Technical Ones
The spicy Allspaw take that inspired our listener is here.
Charles Perrow is the guy who wrote Normal Accidents, which Colette is somewhat controversially a fan of, and thus a Perrow-ian? (a lot of resilience engineering people are not fans!)
Not many notes today, here go check out a page on one of Colette’s favorite chicken breeds
Episode 7 - AI and Resilience with special guest Courtney Nash
The VOID is one of our favorite things!
Some of Courtney’s inoculation of the MTTR virus can be found here:
A talk at SRE Con Americas in 2022
Courtney’s recent talk on Automation and AI
David Graeber’s Bullshit Jobs started as a talk and then a great book
Want to read more about HABA-MABA and CSE/RE?
Lisanne Bainbridge’s The Ironies of Automation is a perennial recommendation in our show notes
The thread Courtney mentioned from Gergely Orosz
Episode 6 - Can You Buy Resilience? With Special Guest Steve McGhee
Steve is the host of the Google SRE Prodcast, you should check it out!
Colette got her chickens from Greenfire Farms, and her chicken coop from Carolina Coops, if anyone is wondering.
The Chris Hayes podcast Colette mentioned about unconditional cash transfers is here.
Iain M. Banks is an author of The Culture series, a set of fiction books based in a post-scarcity society
If you didn’t get the Vizzini/Inigo Montoya references, you should probably find a way to see The Princess Bride.
Colette mentioned STAMP - which is more along the lines of reliability engineering than resilience engineering, technically, but is related. You can read about how Google is using it here.
Lord, you want the history of ITIL? Okay.
**** note, none of the below sponsor us (yet), so these are pure-hearted endorsements from Clint during the episode ****
Adaptive Capacity Labs will teach your teams how to be more resilient.
Incident.io is who Clint mentioned as one of the many incident automation tools out there (Rootly and FireHydrant are a couple others).
Backstage is an open source Spotify product, and anyone who’s worked at Spotify will talk your ear off about how great it is if you let us.
A new Resilience Engineering community that Colette and Clint are a part of has launched! You can find us at resilienceinsoftware.org and join to be a part of the conversation in Slack
And of course, you can email us at thisisfine.softwarepodcast@gmail.com or write to us via http://thisisfinepod.com
episode 5 - curating your resilience engineering 101
We talk about our favorite recommendations for someone who's just getting into this whole resilience engineering thing.
A small note: Clint's voice is a little low in this one! We tried to do audio magic as much as we could to fix it, but hopefully you'll forgive us with your holiday spirit and we'll do better next time. <3
How Complex Systems Fail by Richard I. Cook
Resilience in Complex Adaptive Systems by Richard I. Cook at Velocity NY, 2013
Moving Gracefully from Compliance to Learning by Ivan Pupulidy at LFI Conf, 2023
Going Solid by Richard I Cook and Jens Rasmussen (NOT Dave Woods, Colette had a brain malfunction)
Prosaic Organizational Failure by Lee Clarke and Charles Perrow
Lee Clarke also wrote the stellar Mission Improbable about Fantasy Documents
You should check out Ben Hutchinson on LinkedIn and also he wrote about Fantasy Documents/Enabling Devices
The Field Guide to Understanding Human Error by Sidney Dekker
The Maintenance Race by Stewart Brand
Wisdom From The Sharp End Agile2024 slides by Clint Byrum
Clint’s talk at Agile 2024 doesn’t seem to be on YouTube yet?
The Howie Guide is now at PagerDuty since they bought Jeli
Okay fine, you want Colette’s thesis involving Fantasy Documents, Enabling Devices and Cybersecurity?
Remember, you can find us at thisisfinepod.com or email us at thisisfine.softwarepodcast@gmail.com
Episode 4 - A look at the 2024 dora report
w/special guest Fred Hebert
We talk about this year’s DORA report with our resident DORA expert, Fred!
Episode 3 - lions, tigers and metrics, oh my!
We answered a set of questions about how to deal with dashboards and MTTR and how to make the best of the situation with the help of special guest Vanessa Huerta Granda.
You can submit your questions at www.thisisfinepod.com
Episode 2 - Does Software Need Safety?
We talk to the pioneer of resilience engineering in the software world John Allspaw about how he discovered this world, and we answer a reader question together: does software need safety?
Correction: we *thought* this would be episode 3, but it ended up being 2, because of scheduling conflicts with guests...
You can submit your questions at www.thisisfinepod.com
Episode 1 - Every Second Counts
The introduction episode of This is Fine! A podcast about resilience engineering in the software world. Clint and Colette discuss conferences and a little bit of their history. Then they answer a question from a (prospective) listener: How do you politely ask executives/senior members of a company to step away from an incident...?